Srivatsa Ramaswami

Born in Chennai, India, Srivatsa Ramaswami met Krishnamacharya at the age of 15 when, at the request of his father, he came to his house to teach therapeutic yoga to his handicapped brother. This began Ramaswami’s 33 years of direct study with his legendary Guru from 1955 to 1988. Krishnamacharya passed on his knowledge of the Vinyasa Krama asanas, Vedic chantings, and yogic philosophies to Srivatsa Ramaswami. He is Krishnamacharya’s longest-standing student outside of Krishnamacharya’s immediate family.

Krishnamacharya emphasized equally the importance of study of the yogic and ancient texts, especially for yoga teachers so the they may contribute better to the physical as well as the mental health of yoga students. Here is a link to one of Ramaswami’s newsletters with references to his personal study with STK and descriptions to a few of these important ancient texts.

For over 30 years, Ramaswami has taught Krishnamacharya’s classical vinyasa yoga in universities, hospitals and yoga studios throughout England, Mexico, the United States and India. He has taught workshops and Teacher Training programs in the US at the Esalen Institute, Loyola Marymount University, Yoga Works, the Himalayan Institute, Chicago Yoga Center and many others. He is a registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance at the E-RYT 500 (500 hour) level – the highest level of certification the Yoga Alliance offers. He recorded his first audiocassette of Vedic Chanting with the blessing of his guru and over the course of 10 years produced 30 programs in Sanskrit on prime time radio. For the past 11 years, Ramaswami has taught a comprehensive 200hr Yoga Alliance accredited course at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. Ramaswami has written four books on various yogic topics and continues to teach.

Ramaswami has developed Krishnamacharya’s teachings into what may be the most highly evolved program available for making yoga a way of life, rather than simply a routine. Key to Ramaswami’s teaching is the focus on adapting yoga to individual needs and to different stages of life. He has extensive knowledge of the classic yoga texts Sanskrit grammar and teaches not only asanas, but also breathing exercises and Vedic chanting.

The system of yogasana Ramaswami teaches includes several hundred variations providing a comprehensive treatment of movement done slowly with the complete synchronization of the breath, this is the hallmark of yoga to ensure that there is sufficient flow of energy to all parts of the body done with relaxation and joy


“I have known Pam Johnson for more than 37 years now, as a senior student and part time teaching help at John Coon’s Yoga Center in Houston. During the several visits- running for several weeks- to the Yoga Center, Pam Johnson studied with me, in considerable depth, the vinysaskrama method of yoga practice, which I had learnt from my Guru Sri T Krishnamacharya, ancient texts such as the Yoga Sutras, YogaTaravali, Yoga Makaranda, Yoga Rahasya and important Upanishads. She has been very diligent and an exceptional student. Some of her exquisite pictures doing very important asana vinyasa sequences appear in my book, “Yoga for the Three Stages of Life”. She has also helped me with skillful demonstration of many asana sequences in conferences and workshops. She has for a number of years now been teaching Vinyasakrama in her studio and also nationally. 

Pam is also a museum level fine artist, specializing in large-scale black and white drawings and biomorphic sculptures. For Pam these disciplines nurtured the creation of Breath the Pulse of the Universe. Her passion is teaching breath centered yoga and studying Unified Universal physics. As an artist she has been able to combine yogasana sequencing, breath and artistic movements into unique and spectacular presentations. I wish her well.”

— Sincerely, Srivatsa Ramaswami

Recommended reading

The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga

Ramaswami presents more than nine hundred poses and variations in logically structured sequences, precisely describing Krishnamacharya’s complete Vinyasakrama system. With every movement and yoga posture, he covers the proper breathing techniques for each pose – something no other book also derived from Krishnamacharya’s teaching does.

Yoga for the Three Stages of Life

Essential to customize your practice: this book includes chants, yoga philosophy, yogic and throat breathing exercises and meditation as well as many important therapeutic applications of yoga.

A Brief Introduction to Yoga Philosophy: Based on lectures of Srivatsa Ramaswami

Authored by David, this book is based principally on two courses Ramaswami taught in 2006 and 2008 along with supplemental material taught to David in many private sessions with Ramaswami. This is a refreshing commentary on Ramaswami’s teachings.


Yoga Beneath the Surface

This book is in a Q & A format between Ramaswami and David Hurwitz. Written in a beautifully clear and conversational style, they delve deeply into various topics related to yoga philosophy and practice.


Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: Based on the Teaching of Srivatsa Ramaswami

Based on the teachings of Ramaswami’s guru, Tthis publication contains all 4 chapters of the Sutras with a word-by-word translation of Sanskrit terms along with a summary of each Sutra. It also includes a CD of Pam Hoxey chanting each sutra and chant phrases that break down the Vedic intonations of the Sutra.